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The Do's and Don'ts of Maximizing Your Offerwall Revenue

Posted on
October 17, 2024
Tanner Hanson
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Have you already integrated an offerwall into your gaming app? If so, congratulations! You’re well on your way to earning additional income from your app. Now is a great time to learn how to maximize your current revenue stream. And if you haven’t integrated an offerwall yet, there’s no better time to educate yourself on the do’s and don’ts of maximizing offerwall revenue so you can set yourself up for success and get the most out of your investment.

In this blog post, we’ll cover the primary do’s and don’ts you should be aware of when it comes to offerwalls. Knowing which missteps to avoid from the start can help you avoid pitfalls that can seriously stunt your revenue. You’ll also gain a better understanding of how to approach your offerwall strategy for maximum benefit to you and your players. Keep reading below to learn more.  

Do: Consider integration speed when selecting providers

Integration time is a top concern for many publishers. It can be a challenge to prioritize the resources and time needed to integrate a new SDK. Not to mention that once the offerwall is integrated, developers often have to allocate additional time to perform maintenance whenever updates are made to the offerwall itself. Overall this process can be burdensome, time-consuming, and costly.

Fortunately, developers can reduce the burden of integration by choosing offerwall providers that have a simpler integration process. For example, RevU’s SDK-less integration can be completed in as little as a few hours. The integration is done via web link which makes it fast and easy to implement with no SDK to manage.  

Don’t: Enter exclusive partnerships

There are significant benefits to integrating multiple offerwalls into your app. For this reason, you should be very hesitant to enter into any exclusive partnership that prevents you from integrating multiple offers. Doing so will significantly limit your monetization options and negatively impact your revenue.

Do: Take an active role in maximizing the revenue from your offerwall

If you’re looking to kick your existing offerwall revenue into high gear, there are levers you can pull to ramp up your earnings. Some effective methods are:

Showcase top offers on the homepage 

By showcasing top offers, you increase exposure for the offerwall and its advertisers. Players become more familiar with the offerwall and the types of offers they can expect. It also encourages them to engage when they see offers they like. 

Run currency sales  

Currency sales are limited-time periods in which players can earn double points for completing an offer. These are a great way to entice players who are looking for ways to advance quickly in the game.One of RevU’s publishers, IMVU, ran a currency sale that contributed to a 323% lift in offerwall revenue over Memorial Day weekend. 

Run tests 

Constantly evaluate different ways to drive traffic to the offerwall, new entry points to the unit, currency ratios, and availability to identify what works best for your audience.

Don’t: Make the offerwall hard to find

If the offerwall is buried on your site, players are going to have a hard time finding and engaging with it. Ensure that the offerwall is easy to find and accessible on your app for maximum exposure to users. The RevU offerwall API allows you to surface the top ten offers on your homepage so you can maximize exposure for the offerwall and advertisers.

Do: Let users know that the offerwall is available

One tactic for maximizing offerwall exposure and engagement is to make an official announcement of the new offerwall to players. Many publishers make this announcement through an in-app pop-up but you can also announce via email communication, newsletters, and any other methods you use to communicate with players. The key is to generate excitement around the availability of a new feature that can help players advance in the game. 

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